Adele Pedulla
Sculpture and Video

For a group show in Seoul I clothed a mannequin in tan clothing with a sign in English and Korean inviting viewers to indicate an insecurity on the corresponding part of the mannequins body. During the show people wrote in English and Korean all over the clothing and the mannequin. After the show I asked friends to come and take photos in the marked clothing. This is the mannequin before the show

For a group show in Seoul I clothed a mannequin in tan clothing with a sign in English and Korean inviting viewers to indicate an insecurity on the corresponding part of the mannequins body. During the show people wrote in English and Korean all over the clothing and the mannequin. After the show I asked friends to come and take photos in the marked clothing.

For a group show in Seoul I clothed a mannequin in tan clothing with a sign in English and Korean inviting viewers to indicate an insecurity on the corresponding part of the mannequins body. During the show people wrote in English and Korean all over the clothing and the mannequin. After the show I asked friends to come and take photos in the marked clothing.

For a group show in Seoul I clothed a mannequin in tan clothing with a sign in English and Korean inviting viewers to indicate an insecurity on the corresponding part of the mannequins body. During the show people wrote in English and Korean all over the clothing and the mannequin. After the show I asked friends to come and take photos in the marked clothing.

For a group show in Seoul I clothed a mannequin in tan clothing with a sign in English and Korean inviting viewers to indicate an insecurity on the corresponding part of the mannequins body. During the show people wrote in English and Korean all over the clothing and the mannequin. After the show I asked friends to come and take photos in the marked clothing.